Expert PHP Editor

You probably wrote your first PHP code in a standard notepad, which is available in Windows. Most likely, it was something like an echo of “Hello, world” or an echo of phpinfo(). After that, you started your HTTP server protocol (most likely, it was a properly configured Apache), opened a browser window, and wrote in the address input line http://локальный and we enjoyed the result of this script.

I agree, we should start with this. However, after 10 lines of code, you have the first problems. It is already much more difficult to find the variable or function you need. You are already tired of counting lines after the browser informs you about the line in which the error occurred. And if there are not 10 lines, but 100 or even 500 — that’s how many professional scripts contain? In this case, you will have to spend a lot of time to count from the beginning to the line you need and correct the error. “But surely someone writes such scripts?” — you ask. I’ll tell you how it’s done.

To begin with, you have already installed PHP. Now download the PHP development environment (IDE, Integrated Development Environment) for Windows called Expert PHP Editor. This distribution is located on the official website of the Ankord Development Group . We will talk about the new beta version of the program. I advise you to download this version, because I use it myself. However, if later it torments you with its glitches, it can be changed to the 3rd version. After the successful installation of the program and its launch, it is not superfluous to look into the settings: Parameters -> Editor Parameters -> Startup and Debugging -> Script Interpreters. and PHP, PHP5 and Perl.

To begin with, only PHP is enough, because PHP5 is still young and installed on a very small number of servers. Now let’s talk about the features of the program. The script is run in the most usual way — by pressing the F9 key. If you have previously written programs for Win32, you will like this method. It is no longer necessary to repeatedly update the browser window, and this is already a plus. This opportunity has appeared thanks to the built-in browser. Let’s talk directly about PHP. PHP templates turned out to be a very convenient thing. You can insert such a template by clicking the Insert Code template button (Ctrl + J). We are offered to insert a template for working with standard cycles for, bye, do, also send an email, set cookies, work with a database or with files. For example, after selecting the Write to File template, a fully working code for writing to a file will appear in your code. It remains only to modify it slightly to suit your needs. This feature will remind a beginner of the correct syntax for writing a particular function, and will save a professional from the annoying writing of the same code. However, what to do if there was no necessary template, and we write the same thing from script to script. It turns out that the developers of the Expert PHP Editor also thought about this and added the ability to create new and edit existing templates. For example, we need a standard template that would give out a form to create a file for later use when connecting to the database. Moreover, we want the user to be able to choose the database name, password and other data for access.

It doesn’t matter. it can be inserted into, it can be inserted into the Expert PHP Editor as a template. To do this, you just need to go to the Options -> Editor Options -> Code Templates window and add a new template in it. You can customize the syntax highlighting. which is on the left is the code explorer, which is on the left. Thanks to it, you can find any function, any variable, without scrolling through thousands of lines of your script. You can also find your preset bookmark. The File Explorer follows the Code Explorer. You can get lost in a large number of scripts, text documents, XML and HTML files. However, to facilitate the search, you can select, for example, only php files, sort them alphabetically, and the search for the file you need will not take too much time. Also in this file explorer there are bookmarks (Favorites) that will appeal to those who work on several projects at the same time or work remotely, performing various tasks. It’s a pity, of course, that you can’t create folders in these favorites, but the thing is still very, very useful.

I also need to say a few words about the free ftp client, which I don’t really like. It really can connect via FTP and SFTP protocols, you can select the start folder. However, a simple download of files from the local machine to the server is not provided here. It seems to me that if you pay a little more attention to this opportunity, the need to use special programs to work with FTP (such as file downloads) may disappear. Let’s talk more about the so-called library (Library Explorer). There is a library for CSS, HTML, JavaScript and a library for PHP that is natural for such a program. It will be useful for those who have forgotten the exact name of the function, and will also help to remember which attributes a particular HTML tag has. Consider the toolbar (Toolbar). Naturally, like any other serious program, there is a drop-down menu. The File Toolbar (File Toolbar) allows you to manage the current or all open files, create a new one or open an existing one. The editing toolbar (Editing Toolbar) has classic Undo and Redo buttons, as well as very convenient buttons for indenting multiple lines at the same time. This function can be very useful when writing PHP code.

There are also search buttons (the search works somehow strangely) and replacements. The PHP toolbar (PHP toolbar) allows you to perform operations to insert a PHP template and certain tags. The startup and debugging toolbars allow you to perform the appropriate actions. There are control panels with the HTML text of the page: managing forms, inserting special HTML code and symbols into HTML tags.


The program has one interesting feature. The fact is that registration for residents of the former USSR is free. To do this, go to the website page and enter some information. In a few days, the key to the program will be in your mailbox.


The expert PHP editor is free for residents of exUSSR, and this is already a plus. It is a very convenient tool for writing scripts of any complexity. If I was asked to rate this program, I would give it 9/10. However, everyone chooses a program to develop according to their requirements. I think any PHP programmer should take a look at this program.


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