Kaspersky Lab has introduced a new concept for protecting corporate networks – Kaspersky Open Space Security, and also announced the release of commercial versions of three products from the new generation corporate line created in accordance with this concept. The list includes Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations, Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for file servers running Windows, as well as a convenient tool for managing antivirus solutions – Kaspersky Administration Kit 6.0.
According to the Kaspersky Open Space Security concept, a safe working environment is no longer limited to the walls of the office. Now it also covers remote users, including employees who are on trips. The concept provides not only for the protection of the perimeter of the network, but also for the installation of solutions to protect each of its nodes and any platforms. Thus, each individual component of the network becomes an independent outpost on the path of external threats. Now malware is opposed not only by the protective outer perimeter of the network, but also by each of its nodes, which has its own effective security system – even if it is located thousands of kilometers away and constantly moves in space.
The Kaspersky Open Space Security concept provides for a special policy for mobile PCs, which contains the rules for the operation of the solution outside the office: sources of updates, the schedule of checks, the mode of operation of the personal firewall, etc. All this guarantees full protection of mobile PCs outside the office. Kaspersky Open Space Security supports CiscoR NAC (Network Admission Control) technology, which provides additional protection for the internal corporate network and allows you to identify the state of antivirus protection of a newly connected computer (for example, after a mobile user returns with a laptop from a trip to the office).
The solution should provide for checking the parameters of the antivirus protection of the connected laptop and its security for the rest of the network participants. Only computers that meet pre-defined security criteria (installed and running antivirus program, current antivirus databases) are allowed to access the internal corporate network. Kaspersky Open Space Security combines signature protection methods with the most modern proactive technologies that allow you to identify unknown malware in time, warn the user, prevent or cancel possible malicious changes.
The capabilities of Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 allow you to provide reliable protection of workstations and file servers. The arsenal of Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 includes a wide range of functions designed to fully ensure information security. Kaspersky Anti-virus 6.0 contains protection technologies against all modern types of malware and threats, including rootkit technologies, spyware and adware. The antivirus solution also includes flexible file scanning settings and a proactive module. The new generation of Kaspersky Lab antivirus solutions for the first time uses a set of technologies to accelerate antivirus scanning, as well as the system load balance function during antivirus operation. In addition, Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for workstations running Windows has added protection against hacker attacks, as well as a component that allows you to block unwanted advertising images (banners), including using a heuristic analyzer.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows
Workstations is a comprehensive solution for protecting workstations running Windows, which includes the antivirus component itself, an effective and full-featured firewall that is not inferior to individual solutions, and an anti-spam filter. It is worth mentioning that iSwift technology, which was used in previous versions of Kaspersky Anti-Virus, has received the possibility of network use.
This technology allows you not to scan files received from a computer or server on which Kaspersky Anti-Virus version 6.0 is already installed. This eliminates repeated checks of objects throughout the network, significantly reduces the scanning time and significantly reduces the delay in file transfer.
The Kaspersky Administration Kit administration system provides convenience and ease of managing an antivirus solution. The application is able to centrally manage the protection of a dynamic network with tens of thousands of nodes, including remote and mobile users.